Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So I started playing Fallen Earth recently. I really like it alot. The funny thing is that when I started, way back in the beta, I didn't. It was shoddy, not very pretty, and way to different to enjoy. Turns out, I just wasn't ready for this complex a game.

I've since come around. In the interim between closed beta (which I quit after a week) and where I'm at now, I picked up Champions Online. That game rocks. No question about it. I love the game. But I burnt myself out on it for a while so I took a break and checked out several other MMO's during that time. I came back to FE. I thought, nah, but I'll give it a shot. After the third day of the 15 day trial, I'd made my mind up; I was subscribing.

The gameplay had improved dramatically and so had it's stability. The idea beyond the skill and crafting systems finally grabbed me.

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